The Pannonian Journey

We bring you out from the capital!





Budapest (

Budapest is the capital city of Hungary. Lie on the banks of River Danube. Hungary's most-likely-to-visit city by the tourist. Social, and infrastructural central of the country, almost 2 million people lives here. Lot of sights, like St. Stephen Basilica, the Chain Bridge, Andrássy square, Heroes square...etc.





Tác (ác)


Lies about 12 kilometers from Székesfehérvár. Mostly known from the biggest open-air roman museum of Hungary, called the Gorsium. 2000 years ago this place was the defender of the crossing at Sárvíz, and one of the biggest military camp in Pannonia Province.






Székesfehérvár (


"The City of Kings. Székesfehérvár is located around 65 km southwest of Budapest. The city is the centre of Fejér county and the regional centre of Central Transdanubia. In the Middle Ages the city was a royal residence and was one of the most important cities of Hungary. In the Székesfehérvár Basilica, 37 kings and 39 queens consort were crowned, 15 rulers have been buried here,and the crown jewels were kept here." 







Pécs (



Pécs is the center of Baranya country. It lies on the south feel of Mecsek mountain. It's history goes back to more than 1800 years. The city Sopianae was founded by Romans at the beginning of the 2nd century, in an area peopled by Celts and Pannoni tribes. By the 4th century it became the capital of Valeria province and a significant early Christian center. The early Christian necropolis is from this era which became an UNESCO World Heritage Site in December 2000. 






Szombathely (



Szombathely is the oldest recorded city in Hungary. It was founded by the Romans in 45 AD. It was the capital of the Pannonia Superior province of the Roman Empire. It lay close to the important "Amber Road" trade route. The city had an imperial residence, a public bath and an amphitheatre.

Emperor Constantine the Great visited Savaria several times. He ended the persecution of Christians, which previously claimed the lives of many people in the area, including Bishop St. Quirinus, St. Rutilus and St. Irenaeus. The emperor reorganised the colonies and made Savaria the capital of the province Pannonia Prima. This era was the height of prosperity for Savaria: its population grew, and new buildings were erected, among them theatres and churches. St. Martin of Tours was born here.

After the death of Emperor Valentinian III, the Huns invaded Pannonia. Attila's armies occupied Savaria between 441 and 445. The city was destroyed by an earthquake in 456..

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