The Pannonian Journey

We bring you out from the capital!

Pannonian Outing


This is a 4 day tour at the Transdamubian region, which affects 5 roman city, Budapest-Aquincum, Székesfehérvár, Tác, Pécs, Szombathely . The main aspect of the tour is presenting the cultural remains of the Roman Empire by guided city tours, visiting museums and joining cultural programmes, wine tasting and according on demands there will be freetime programmes too. If the group arrives to Szombathely between 22th and 25th August, they will be able to join the Savaria Carneval, which is on of the biggest traditional roman festival in Hungary with concerts,  processions, performances.

Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 45
Tegnapi: 2
Heti: 48
Havi: 61
Össz.: 8 964

Látogatottság növelés
Oldal: The Pannon Journey
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